Kids Love It
cool Rock shows
Cool Letters from Cool Kids
Dear Rockin’ the Standards Band,
You guys rock! Thanks for coming to our school. Your the first band to come to our school. I love your music it’s very awesome. I liked how we were on television. So were you guys. I’m sure lots of kids bought your CDs. My favorite song out of all the songs was the “Mean Mode Median” song. Bye, and thanks again for coming to my school.
Antonio Meza

Dear Rockin’ the Standards Band
I like how you act and sang. You were very nice of helping us learn our standards. It help me alot on my test. You are very good Singing. Thank you for doing that for our school.
Brenda Gonzalez

Dear Rockin’ the Standards Band
I Love your CD because it helps me remebmer My times tables like the threes, sixes, and sevens. Thanck you for coming to my school. My favorite song is The Place Vaule Rap Song. The favorite part in that song is when you sing “ones, tens, hundreds, comma.”
Danika Starr

Dear Rockin’ the Standards Bang
Thank you for coming to our school. The songs really help me on tests. I also the Place Value Rap and the Mean Mode Median Song. I loved how the kids got out the cell phones and acted like glow sticks.
Sydnee Mena

Dear Rockin’ the Standards Band,
Thank you for performing the concert at our school. I love your CD. I also love your concert. The songs helped me get good grades. Your songs are fun ways to learn. Thank you for helping our school learn.
Elizabeth Escobedo

Dear Rockin’ the Standers band,
You guys are the best band in the world. Your band really helps me do better on my test. Thank you for having a concert at the school.
Adriana Scott