Kids Love It. Parents Want It. Teachers Need It!

As a teacher and mom, I love Rockin’ the Standards!!! I’ve used their math CD for the last few years in 4th and 5th grades and have seen significant growth in my students. It’s great for struggling, at grade level and advanced students, which is why I was so excited about their new Language Arts album. Rockin’ the Standards Language Arts has not disappointed! Once again, they have taken state standards and created high interest songs that make learning fun, easier to retain, and more applicable to a student’s life. Any teaching tool that makes grammar rules and the writing process more interesting to elementary kids is a teacher’s must have. So when my students literally beg to sing Rockin’ the Standards songs on a daily basis, I know we’re doing something right!
Amanda Montemayor, Teacher, Santa Clarita, CA
We received the CD’s yesterday. Teachers used them right away and were thrilled with the music. The kids also were excited and I heard some of them singing the threes song as they went down the hall to the buses after school. Now some of the fourth grade teachers want CD’s, too! Expect another P.O. next week. On another note, thanks to you and your band, my daughter has learned her multiplication tables, as has my first grader!
Rachel Schiera, Teacher, Emporia, VA
I took my kids to see the concert, not only did they rock out, they absolutely loved it and begged for the CD, of course I gave in and now its on both my 3rd graders and my preschoolers mp3 players…Thanks, for such a great tool. Next Concert?????
Veronica Boisseranc, Parent of 3rd grader, California
I play the “Place Value Rap” to my third graders and they absolutely love it. Every day they ask me to play it in class, and I do at the end of the day. I also printed out the lyrics for them. Thank you for this awesome song. I love it, too.
Sawsan Manasfi, 3rd grade teacher, New York
We are hooked on these songs. It has made a huge difference for my students who were struggling with their multiplication facts.
Lindsay Tyler, 4th Grade Teacher, Georgia
The CD is amazing. My students love the songs and ask to play them over and over again. I find myself conceding, “OK, ONE more time.” That ONE more time often becomes two! We had two classes together today singing and I’m sure you could have heard them a mile away! They sing at the top of their lungs!
Kim Wharton, 3rd Grade Teacher
Just Discovered!
I am a new math teacher and haven’t learned all the tricks of the trade for teaching math to students yet. Last week I was beating my head up against a wall in frustration when my fourth graders were having so much trouble with place value. I thought to myself, “There has GOT to be a better way!” I spent the weekend searching on the Internet for ideas to teach place value and found many great posts…quite possibly the best idea, however, was the post about songs related to place value. One teacher posted about Rockin’ the Standards and that is all it took! I purchased and downloaded the entire album (after watching the YouTube videos). I have listened to the album A LOT this weekend and forwarded your website to several teachers I know who teach math in our district. I can’t wait until the kids come back to school and I introduce the Place Value Rap. Thank you!
Eve Heaton, 4th Grade Teacher
Motivates my students
I just purchased Rockin To The Standards CD and have been using it with my 5th grade class. The students love it and it has really motivated them to learn math. The students now want to make lip sync pod cast videos to share with other students.
Craig Sroka, 5th Grade Teacher
Helps students RETAIN!
Rockin’ the Standards is a great way to motivate and help students RETAIN what you have taught. My personal favorite is “Parallel or Perpendicular” as it begins slowly and then increases in tempo and volume. Recently a student told me she knew the answers on her math test because she sang “The Angles Song” to herself and it helped her to keep the angles straight. This wonderful CD is a must for the classroom! With its high energy, catchy beats, and memorable lyrics, all of my students are learning and remembering their multiplication facts and important math skills.
Melanie Shatzer, 3rd Grade Teacher
Even my 3 yr. old ROCKS THE STANDARDS
I recently started playing the CD with my 4th grade class and THEY LOVE IT!! They are finally remembering the math standards I’ve been killing myself to teach all year!! 🙂 I can’t wait for our concert next week!! I”m SUPER excited to rock out with the kids! To top it off, I brought the CD home and I play it with my 3 year old…he’s starting to sing the songs, too!!! His teachers are gonna love this!
Jenny Hamm, 4th Grade Teacher
My Kids Love the Songs!
I’m a 4th grade teacher in Perris. I watched the videos on your website, and I was hooked! I downloaded the album from Digstation. My class loves the songs that we have gone over so far (“Angles Song,” “Place Value Rap,” and “Area Perimeter”) and I can’t wait to get to the rest of them before the end of the year. I can’t wait for the Language Arts CD!!
Shawn Ross, 4th Grade Teacher
I’m Rockin’ my Classroom!
This CD is amazing! You won’t believe the results your students have on tests after reinforcing the standards we teach every day with songs. This is a must-have for every classroom! So what are you waiting for? Get this CD NOW!!!
Anna Tirello, 4th/5th Grade Teacher
Effective with a Kindergartner!
We are so totally pumped up about your CD! We listen to it all the time in the car! Our KINDERGARTNER is skip counting by FOURS, THREES and SEVENS thanks to your music! How cool is that? There’s more! It”s not just that he is skip counting because of your music- he is actually applying it! Of course I am helping him with that, but it is just so cool! We figured out the length of a semi truck at Wal-mart last week! Each parking space is 9 feet wide and the rig was taking up 7 spaces. Well, he knows how to skip count by nines (because he knows your song) and so I taught him the number sentence for 7×9 and he skip counted up to 63 and so we know that the truck was about 63 feet long! It’s just cool- he’s a KINDERGARTNER! I mean, he IS a genius, but thanks to your music he is able to use and apply his genius so much sooner:)
Julie Norwood, Parent and Teacher
This Music Delivers Results!
I began using “Rockin’ the Standards” about a month ago. My students now not only enjoy learning the concepts, but literally beg me to put the CD on during math so they can sing along while working. What”s more, they have developed basic vocabulary necessary for increased comprehension when the concepts on the CD are presented in the curriculum. I have seen a rise in my weekly math test scores and the only thing we’re doing differently is “Rockin’ the Standards!”
Roddy St.Yves, 3rd Grade Teacher
This CD Rocks! I love it!
The tunes are very catchy and easy to learn. My third grade daughter and I listen to it in the car, and we uploaded it to her iPod to help her retain her multiplication facts. Well done and worth every dime! Looking forward to introducing it to my first grade students.
Rose Halvorson, 1st Grade Teacher, Parent
I think what you are doing is great.
I started playing the CD for my students and even the student who is always unengaged loves it and sings along.
Brandi Blue, 5th Grade Teacher
Awesome for any age!!!!
This music is great! Why don”t other teens hear it? It actually helped me on a shape problem. I”m not very good on shapes!
Kristina N., 14 yr. old music lover
What an incredible way to teach the standards in a fun, rockin’ way. The first time I played it for my class they were dancing around and laughing. Now I’ve got them hooked. They’re learning…and loving every minute. More CD’s please!
Jason Hagman, 3rd Grade Teacher
Sure beats boring worksheets!
I have been using Rockin’ the Standards with my ELD group as well as my regular classroom and I have noticed that the math concepts which we have covered are now solidifying in the students’ minds. They understand the difference between parallell and perpendicular and they are starting to recognize the differences in the types of triangles. Music has been a great way to review for “The Test” and it beats the boring worksheets for test prep any day!
Kathy Stevens, 3rd Grade Teacher
We need this in my class!
Within seconds of putting in the CD, my daughter (a 4th grader) said, “Hey we need this in my class…this is exactly what we are learning right now!” She and her younger sister were singing along to the songs and rockin’ out. Great job. I plan to introduce it to the public schools here in my town in Tennessee.
Robin Keith, parent of 4th and 2nd graders
My Kids LOVE it!
My 2nd grader listens to it all the time and so now when he gets to that stuff in school he’ll say, “Hey, I knew that!” My 6th grader loves it too!
Cheryl Hilberg, parent
Way Cool!
Wow! Great lyrics and music that rocks! Awesome job Tim and Co.! This CD is great for my three girls and my 6 year old grandson!
Belinda Dunstan, Parent/Grandparent
Great Idea!
Your album is very cool and relevant. What a great idea!
Anne Griffin, Teacher
Let’s Rock the House
I love it!! At least this is one way to bring both music and memorizing standards back to school.
Mieke Tankink, 55 year old grandmother of 10
This CD Rocks!
I just LOVE the CD! I think it”s really cool and fun! You DID put the “cool in school!”
Nicole C., 5th Grade Student
The Kids DIG IT!
“Play that one again!” is how our 6-year old responds when we play Rockin’ the Standards in the car. “Turn it up louder!” is how our 4-year old responds to the richly recorded CD. “Change my diaper!” is how our 2-year old responds when she soils herself.
Tim Anderson, Parent
Keep on Rockin’ Guys
The Rockin’ the Standards CD is a fantastic way to encourage kids to love learning. It also helps kids remember important facts and standards. This CD will make #1 on the top 50 albums!
Jem U., 5th Grade Student
It’s about time, that’s all I gotta say. This technique Mr. Bedley uses helps me memorize…for a few years now!
Amber Pitts, Music Lover, Age 28
I just want to get a CD!
Rockin’ the Standards doesn’t use bad words and gives facts in a fun way.
Emily A., 4th Grade Student
Can I Go Back to School?
I’m done with college, but I’m thinking about going back to elementary school because this CD is so awesome. I listen to it in my car or wherever! It’s great!
Adam Evans, Music Lover, Age 27
The Best CD!
Everyone should have it. I MEAN IT!!!!
Sarah M., 5th Grade Student
I Love Math!
Both my wife and I LOVED the CD! You should have seen us dancing around the kitchen. It was one the few times in my life when math didn’t make me queasy. Congratulations!
Mark F.
An Album Not Forgotten!
The greatest math rock in the world!
Jonathan C., 5th Grade Student
I listened to your CD last night; it’s awesome! Teachers will love it!
Jolie M.
I Love the Vocals
I love this CD so much! Mr. Bedley, if you ever need a singer for your future CD’s, pick me– I know all the words!
Shannon Jonker, Music Lover
I Love Rockin’ the Standards
It”s the best educational CD in the world. It definitely helped me.
Kabir T., 5th Grade Student